Danville Central Urban Bank

Danville, Illinois

The City of Danville hired MMLP’s Analytical Design Group to design the abatement and demolition of a historic bank building on a very important corner in the center of the city. The Temple Building was not salvageable. During the initial evaluation, MMLP suggested that the elaborate main entry arch be preserved, a brick fascia be installed on the exposed party wall north wall and an urban pocket park be developed on the corner.

MMLP had suggested the city logo be placed on the large blank wall in a brick sculpture. At meetings with Danville Administrators, Danville Boosters, and MMLP, the sculpture idea was expanded to include a masonry framed bas-relief mural. The bas-relief was designed to commemorate important citizens of Danville since its founding.

Later still a performance pavilion was incorporated. The park is now an important, well-used part of the city center.